Orthodox Serbian Archbishops and Patriarchs
An exceptional book, the pages of which include biographies of leaders of Serbian Christian Orthodox Church, from Saint Sava to patriarch Irinej. Lavishly illustrated and exquisitely equipped, blessed.
“... Among archbishops of Peć there were different personalities, but all of them left their unique mark and memory... Many of them were included in the domain of saints, thus gaining a universal significance and radiation. A number of them have gained, through their sacrifice and martyr’s death for Christ and the people, the title of martyr-priests... The continuity of archbishops and patriarchs at the throne of Saint Sava is a testimony and confirmation of continuity and vitality of Serbian church and its Saint Sava people...” (from the Foreword by His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral)
Size: 20.6 х 20 cm
Volume: 216 pages